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Big Story Bookstore now offers digital audiobooks for purchase through a relationship with audiobook provider, Libro.fm. You can browse through tens of thousands of audiobooks.
After making a purchase at https://libro.fm/bigstorybend, you will download the free Libro.fm app (iOS and Android) to enjoy a great book for commuting, working out, gardening, and more.
All purchases made through the storefront will directly benefit Big Story Bookstore!
Start your monthly membership and your first month is free, then $14.99 for one audiobook/credit per month after that.
Not ready for a monthly commitment? No problem. You can purchase and listen to audiobooks al-a-carte with no monthly charge.
Libro.fm is your independent store for digital audiobooks. Libro.fm is based in Seattle, WA, and offers tens of thousands of DRM-free digital audiobooks, available for download and through its free iOS and Android app. It partners with independent bookstores to create co-branded digital audiobook storefronts.